Welcome to Black Banana Records, another petty avenue for your adorable little fixation with abrasive music. The label's presently based out of Vancouver, BC, which aspring cartographers will gladly tell you is in Canada. To order or inquire about trades, e-mail blackbananarecords@gmail.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Overhauled the whole blog, added distro, releases, and tours pages. Also laid everything out a bit more logically.

bbr016 will be an unholy split 7" between California noize-grinders WAKE THE MACHINES and Liverpool pv extremists OCKSEN. Co-release with Midnight Sea Records. Shit's gonna be epic, details coming soon. Shouldn't be too long for this one.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Finally updated the distro, no new items but some outs. Waiting on slip covers for the AHNA LP repress, but out soon, I swears it. CIRCLE THE WAGONS canceled the recording session due to line-up hell, but writing has resumed. Expect sometime maybe eventually. Vancouver gang, I'll have the 7" part o me distro to the ISKRA/ SIX BREW BANTHA/ NO EULOGY/ VIVID SEKT/ AHNA show at the Moon Tower tonight.

My friends NUN UN and HOLE IN MY HEAD are doing a west coast tour in a couple weeks. Fans of jangly disturbed punk take note. Datesez-
Sept 21 - Vancouver, BC
Sept 22 - Seattle WA
Sept 23 - Portland OR
Sept 24 - Sacramento CA
Sept 25 - Bakersfield CA
sept 26 - Los Angeles CA
sept 27 - Long Beach CA
sept 28 - San Diego CA
sept 29 - Los Angeles CA
sept 30 - Oakland CA
Oct 1 - Portland OR
Oct 2 - Olympia WA
Oct 3 - Squamish BC